Quarterly Briefing: Academic Recovery, Conference Strategy, Computer Science Instruction and More

EdWeek Market Brief’s members will go behind the scenes with our editorial team and learn about their reporting on critical topics in the K-12 market. We’ll break down key takeaways, and answer questions from our recent coverage. Attendees will come away with insights on the following: 

  • Staff Writer Emma Kate Fittes talks about her recent, in-depth profile of learning recovery efforts in the Orange County, Fla., Schools, one of the nation’s largest school districts. What do the district’s experiences signal about school district intervention strategies and where they’re headed, as stimulus funding expires?
  • Staff Writer Michelle Caffrey discusses how education companies are ramping up their own, customer-facing events – gatherings that get little attention compared to mega-conferences, but have enormous value for organizations in the market, if they get them right.
  • Staff Writer Alexandria Ng talks about her recent reporting on how much the education market has changed in China, two years after a set of hardline government policies put new restrictions on foreign organizations working with Chinese students and schools.
  • Contributing Writer David Saleh Rauf explains the recent surge of interest in computer science curriculum and instruction in states across the country, and what it means for providers of academic resources.
  • Managing Editor Sean Cavanagh moderates.

We’ll also give you a preview of our upcoming coverage. EdWeek Market Brief members are invited to submit questions on any of the above topics in advance, by writing to Emma Kate, Michelle, David, and Alexandria at [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected]

Coverage of whole-child approaches to learning is supported in part by a grant from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.

Education Week maintains sole editorial control over the selection of the guests and content for this virtual event.

References to products or services in the course of this webinar do not constitute endorsements by Education Week or Editorial Projects in Education.

Closed captioning is available for this event. On the date of the event, you can log in as early as 15 minutes before the start of the webinar. Open the “Closed-Captioning” link from the “resource list” (located at the bottom of the console) to access Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART). A transcript will be available for download from the resource list within five business days after the event.

For all webinars broadcast by Education Week after August 1, 2019, Certificates of Completion are available to all registered live attendees who attend 53 minutes or more of any webinar. Educators can download a PDF certificate verifying 1 hour of Professional Development credit.

Sean Cavanagh, Managing Editor, EdWeek Market Brief


Michelle Caffrey, Staff Writer, EdWeek Market Brief

Emma Kate Fittes, Staff Writer, EdWeek Market Brief

Alexandria Ng, Staff Writer, EdWeek Market Brief

David Saleh Rauf, Contributing Writer, EdWeek Market Brief